Be advised! There is more than 1 class offered through this site. They are not interchangeable. If you sign up for the wrong class, your registration fee will not be refunded. Be sure you are registering for the correct class.
Empire State Safety Instructors is starting to schedule classes. Due to restrictions, class sizes will be limited. As such it is important that you make sure you are scheduling the correct class and that you attend your class as scheduled. You should plan on arriving early to complete a safety screening and be prepared to follow strict social distancing and safety protocols. Please direct any questions to

We provide quality driver training programs to help deal with all kinds of conditions and scenarios to keep you and others safe on the road.

Over 60% of motor vehicle fatalities in the United States are a result of Alcohol and/or Speeding.  Learning when it's safe to drive and how to stay under control can be valuable assets for keeping you out of the statistics.

Did you know that just by driving safer means you can save a ton of money.  Safe drivers get better gas mileage, pay lower insurance premiums and have less wear and tear on their vehicles!

Empire State Safety Instructors, Inc. is proud to present:

Driven to Distraction – A Distracted Driving Prevention Program

Driven to Distraction – A Distracted Driving Prevention Program is a dynamic 4-hour program aimed specifically at adult drivers that uses a combination of lecture, videos and interactive exercises to examine the dangers associated with distracted driving. Due to the interactive nature of this program, class size will be limited to 30 participants per class. The classes will be scheduled at various sites throughout Monroe County.

If you would like additional information regarding Driven to Distraction, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at (585) 754-4206.


Effective January 1, 2015 the class cost will increase to $60.00.


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